About Us

Laxmi Oil Company Pvt. Ltd. is incorporated in the year 1993 and started its journey with the slogan "Quality product at affordable price". A full range of automotive products under the brand name & style of SURYA SUPER LUBRICANTS, the vision of journey was "Best value of the customer money".

Lubricants are made by the company on the basis of high standard and consistent quality with prime grade base oils and additives. Today the brand name of the company speaks for itself. All these could only be possible by dedication and all out efforts of Shree Laxmi Narayan Sharma, a dynamic personality from Sardar Sahar, Rajasthan, who is the present Managing Director of the company with the assistance of Shree Rajesh Kumar Sharma, a Director of the company.

Laxmi Oil Company Pvt. Ltd. has established a technically sound manufacturing, processing and marketing system, where qualified personnel are employed resulting to the company became expert in the venture. With the long experience in the field of lubricants the company is planning to expand in new area of the country with wide range of lubricant products including premium grade engine oil, gear oil, high performance new generation four stroke engine oil, pump set oil, high mileage grease, brake fluid, coolant, industrial oils and so on.

The company has a well equipped manufacturing unit thus ensures consistency in the quality to suit international standard. We constantly put effort for upgrade the quality, packing of product, which is more advanced yet affordable.

Every successful company has one common thing they all satisfy their customer with best quality and service in their respective business. We also try to do so and hopeful that we are little bit successful in this mission and confident to do so in future with more power and stamina.

Key Members

Shri Laxmi Narayan Sharma
Shri Parveen Kumar Sharma
Shri Rajesh Kumar Sharma

Our Associates